Meet our intern – Ronard image

Meet our intern – Ronard

Meet our latest cohort of interns from De Montfort University. This week, we want to introduce you to Ronard…

Hi, my name Ronard Matey, a 23-year-old postgrad MBA student studying at D.M.U, having recently acquired an undergraduate diploma in Business entrepreneurship and innovation in the 2020/2021 academic year with the same university. 

Studying these courses over the last few years has given me a good sense of exploration and creativity, in direct application to stereotypical business norms as portrayed in popular media and culture. I have acquired a renewed mindset and sense of self about my limitations and my goals, through constant self-reflection and micro-improvements and hope to apply this mindset in the next six weeks working on the exciting business development manager trainee role at Access Generation.

What are your ambitions for the future?

Working on this internship and going forward, I hope to attain a high standard of employability, gaining all the necessary skills from tasks I will be completing, as well as applying the toolset, skills, and knowledge I have gained from previous forms of work experience and studies respectively. I aim to make a positive impact on any organisation I am lucky enough to work with, through the various contributions I would be providing, big or small, and help push and further grow company goals and agendas.

Why did you choose to intern with us?

I chose to intern here because this company looks to change those societal norms of what young people are, can and should be and not only aims to further the agenda of future employers, but training a younger generation to become an employable workforce. This is the kind of mentality which drives me and helps me to strive for quality in any form of work I am given.

Is there anything you’re excited about doing on the internship?

In my role as a business development manager, what I’m most excited about is developing my business persona in research and analytics and applying already-acquired knowledge to gain new insights and experience. 

What do you hope to achieve during the internship?

I would like to have good fun, working with the rest of my team and developing my interpersonal skills to an employable standard, maintaining a healthy work/life balance, helping me to perform my tasks S.M.A.R.T (ly), now and in future opportunities stemming from AG. 

My message for employers

My message to employers is that employability does not only exist in seasoned working professionals but can also be found in the hearts and minds of the younger generation if given the proper opportunities and training.

Do you want to support the next generation into work?

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